Summer Patch

Magnaporthe poae

Disease of Roots

Susceptible Turf

Wintergrass, Fescue & Kentucky Bluegrass


  • Circular patches of slow growth, thinned or wilted turf, 3 to 8 cm in diameter.
  • Patches are typically less than 30 cm but can exceed 60 cm in diameter.
  • Affected leaves rapidly fade from a grayish-green to a light straw colour (yellow) during warm weather (28°C - 35°C) and night time temperatures over 20°C
  • Irregular patches, rings and crescent patterns may develop and coalesce into large areas of irregularly patterned blighted turf.
  • Infected roots, rhizomes and crowns turn dark brown as they die.

Conditions Favouring Disease

  • Temperatures between 21°C - 35°C, optimum 28°C.
  • Infection occurs in spring when soil temperatures stabilise between 18°C - 20°C
  • Symptoms develop during hot (30°C - 35°C), rainy weather or when high temperatures follow periods of heavy rainfall.
  • Summer Patch is most severe during hot wet years and on poorly drained compacted sites.

Management Tips

  • Increase drainage.
  • Reduce or prevent soil compaction.
  • Irrigate thoroughly, deeply and infrequently.
  • Fertilise turf with a slow-release nitrogen source.
  • Reduce plant/ turf stress by practicing food turf management.
  • Oversow affected areas with resistant turf cultivars.

General Comments

This fungus moves from plant to plant by growing along roots and rhizomes. Summer Patch may be spread by aerification and dethatching equipment and the movement of infected soil.